Kentucky NORML Meets with Governor Beshear on Medical Cannabis

It was a truly incredible day yesterday at the Kentucky Capitol as we had the opportunity to meet with Governor Andy Beshear to discuss the important topic of medical cannabis. We were honored to work with Kentucky Moms for Medical Cannabis, founded by Kristin Wilcox and Julie Cantwell, on creating a historic exhibit in the Capitol Tunnel, a passageway that connects the Annex Offices to the Capitol Building and is only accessible to employees or those being escorted.

Kentucky NORML Directors Lauren and Matthew Bratcher with Gov. Andy Beshear at the Capitol Tunnel Exhibit.

This exhibit, which will be on display until the end of March, aims to keep the issue of medical cannabis at the forefront of lawmakers' minds as they walk through the tunnel to their chambers every day of the session. It features a collection of 24 scientific research and quotes posters, as well as over 300 photos of Kentuckians who are either waiting to access medical marijuana for their illnesses or are forced to go out of state to obtain their medicine. These photos showcase the diverse range of people impacted by the lack of access to medical cannabis in Kentucky, including children, women, men, and people of all ages and races.

It's truly impressive to consider that Kentucky Moms for Medical Cannabis spent over a year collecting the stories of these patients and creating this exhibit. It was a fantastic team effort and we are so proud to have come together for the greater good of securing medical cannabis legislation in Kentucky. If you want to get involved and make a difference, visit our Take Action page to find out more.


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